Lexington, KY – Sept. 13, 2018 – Qualifying lists for the 2018 National Horse Show CSI-W 4* are now available online.
Anyone who appears on the qualified lists but does not receive their acceptance package by September 17, should contact Cindy Bozan at cindy@nhs.org. Please note that the Open Jumper qualifying list will not be available until after September 28th once the entry deadline has closed.
The acceptance process for qualifiers must be completed by 5:00 pm (EDT) on October 10, or your spot will be given to a previously wait listed entry.

Maclay Regional qualifying lists will be available online as each Regional competition is completed. All riders qualified through the Regions will receive an emailed invitation. If a rider appears on one of the qualified lists and does not receive an emailed invitation within 48 hours of becoming a finalist, please contact Cindy Bozan.
Entries close for the Hamel Foundation NHS 3’3” Equitation Championship on September 28. Riders who are qualified may enter using the online entry system or mail hard copy entry. Unique invitations are not distributed for the Hamel Foundation NHS 3’3” Equitation Championship.

Founded in 1883, the National Horse Show is the culmination of the summer equestrian season. With $845,000 in prize money offered, the National Horse Show has been designated a CSI4*-W event by the FEI. This year, the National Horse Show will offer new Equitation Championships, including the Hamel Foundation NHS 3’3” Eq. Championship, the Taylor Harris Insurance Services NHS 3′ Adult Eq. Championships, the Boggs Hill NHS KHJA Eq. Championships, and a day of age group equitation classes. In addition, the National Horse Show is excited to announce the new National Horse Show $50,000 Hunter Classic, joining a prestigious line up of classes including the ASPCA Maclay Finals presented by Chansonette Farm, the Hollow Brook Wealth Management SJHOF Series Championship, and the world-renown $250,000 Longines FEI World Cup™ Jumping Lexington.
For more information on the National Horse Show please click here.