Lexington, KY – September 25, 2017 – Members of the media are invited to apply for credentials to the 2017 CP National Horse Show that will take place from October 31-November 5, 2017.
Please use the link below to fill out the online application.
Private photographers wishing to photograph their clients are not eligible for media credentials and must submit a separate application. Please email Ariel Weisman at aw@phelpsmediagroup.com, to request an application.

With $810,000 in prize money offered, this year’s CP National Horse Show has been designated a CSI-W 4* show by the FEI. International Open Jumpers will compete for almost a half a million dollars in prize money. For the sixth year in a row, The National Show Hunter Hall of Fame has named the CP National Horse Show the ‘Horse Show of the Year’. In 2017, the top-rated hunter sections have a total purse of $195,000.