Lexington, KY – September 16, 2017 – The CP National Horse Show is proud to announce the return of the Leo Conroy Maclay Grant (LCMG). The grant was established in 2015 to honor long-time horseman Leo Conroy, who co-managed the National Horse Show and was Chairman of the National Horse Show Equitation Committee.
The CP National Horse Show will once again welcome the top equitation athletes to the Kentucky Horse Park on October 31 – November 5, 2017 for the prestigious ASPCA Maclay Finals.
To commemorate Conroy’s loyalty and dedication to equestrian sport, the CP National Horse Show established a grant fund in his name: The Leo Conroy Maclay Grant (LCMG). This grant is awarded to up to five (5) Maclay riders who demonstrate a financial need in order to participate in the Maclay Finals at the NHS.

The Guidelines:
1) The Leo Conroy Maclay Grant is open to riders who qualify to compete in the ASPCA Maclay Finals through the Regional competitions. Riders must apply online from September 16 – October 6 at www.nhs.org to be considered for the Grant.
2) The Leo Conroy Maclay Grant will provide financial assistance for up to five (5) Maclay riders. Selected riders will receive entry fees and a stall at the ASPCA Maclay Finals at the NHS provided by an anonymous sponsor as well as a stipend of $1,000 to cover additional show-related expenses to compete in the ASPCA Maclay Finals at the NHS.
3) The Leo Conroy Maclay Grant will require the following information: Rider’s complete contact information, trainer’s complete contact information, and three (3) references. Applicants will also be required to complete a two-part essay.
Two-Part Essay:
Part 1: State why the ASPCA Maclay Finals is important to the National Horse Show and to the applicant.
Part 2: Describe the applicant’s basis for financial need.

Beginning September 16, applicants can apply by visiting the National Horse Show website and completing the form with the information outlined above. All applications must be completed and submitted online through www.nhs.org.
No hard copy applications will be accepted. Applications will be accepted between September 16, 2017 and October 6, 2017. Applicants will receive a confirmation email when their application is received. Applicants will receive a response by October 17, 2017.
With $810,000 in prize money offered, this year’s show has been designated a CSI-W 4* show by the FEI and the International Open Jumpers will compete for almost a half a million dollars in prize money. For the sixth year in a row, The National Show Hunter Hall of Fame has named the CP National Horse Show the ‘Horse Show of the Year’. In 2017, the top-rated hunter sections have a total purse of $195,000.
To learn more about National Horse Show ASPCA Maclay Championship click here.
To learn more about the CP National Horse Show, click here.