Lexington, KY – Sept. 25, 2017 – Entries for the inaugural National Horse Show 3’3” Equitation Championship close on September 29, 2017.
The inaugural year of the National Horse Show 3’3” Equitation Championship will take place on Sunday, October 29, in the Alltech Arena at the Kentucky Horse Park and will not require riders to be prequalified to participate. The prizes that will be awarded at the end of the class will include a trophy for the winning rider, the winning rider’s name inscribed on a commemorative trophy, that will be proudly displayed at the Kentucky Horse Park Museum, as well as a commemorative cooler for the top 10 finalists. A Trainer’s Award will also be presented to the trainer of the winning rider.
“I am very excited for the National Horse Show 3’3″ Equitation Championship class,” said Geoff Teall, Chairman of the Equitation Committee for the National Horse Show Association. “Not only does this class help a whole new tier of riders utilize the equitation division as it was intended, as a learning tool, but it also exposes these same riders to the history and tradition of both our sport and the National Horse Show. Going forward I anticipate this class will become a great and comfortable stepping stone for our young riders of the future.”

While no qualifying classes will be held for the 2017 event, qualifying classes for the 2018 Championship will begin September 1, 2017.
Please email Cindy Bozan at cindy@nhs.org with any questions.
For 84 years, the National Horse Show has hosted the ASPCA Maclay National Championship competition, the most important event in equitation. These finals consistently highlight the country’s top junior equestrian athletes who will go on to be the future professional American equestrians. With the addition of the National Horse Show 3’3” Equitation Championship, riders who have dreams of becoming the next winner of the ASPCA Maclay National Championship will have the opportunity to hone their skills in the same ring as their 3’6” counterparts.
“We are thrilled to support the National Horse Show 3’3” Equitation Championships in its maiden year,” said Jennifer Burger Senior Vice President of the National Horse Show. “This class represents a wonderful opportunity for young riders to compete at our event and we are excited to see the competition grow to become an integral part of the equitation legacy at the National Horse Show.”

and Bonnie Jenkins, Executive Director of the USET Foundation.
With $810,000 in prize money offered, this year’s show has been designated a CSI-W 4* show by the FEI and the International Open Jumpers will compete for almost a half a million dollars in prize money. For the sixth year in a row, The National Show Hunter Hall of Fame has named the CP National Horse Show the ‘Horse Show of the Year’. In 2017, the top-rated hunter sections have a total purse of $195,000.
For information regarding the National Horse Show 3’3″ Equitation Championship competition and its rules and regulations, click here.
To learn more about the CP National Horse Show, click here.