The 14 Show Rule:
Riders may compete in a total of fourteen (14) Maclay classes in a single qualifying period. Any rider who continues to compete after they have competed in fourteen (14) Maclay classes will no longer be eligible to compete in the Regionals (Exception: If a rider is not yet qualified for the Regionals of their official USEF state of residence after fourteen (14) Maclay classes, that rider may continue to compete until qualified for that Region. If a rider submits a Change of Region form requesting to compete in a Region that requires a higher number of points to qualify, that rider may continue to compete until qualified for the newly declared Regionals. Any rider that has already competed in their fourteen (14) Maclay classes must stop competing in Maclay classes as soon as they are qualified or they will no longer be eligible to compete in any Regionals.).
It is the rider’s responsibility to calculate and know their points as well as the number of classes in which they have competed.